Welcome To My New Website

It is with trepidation and excitement that I invite you to my website and this first post.

I have the good luck to work on many different projects that are rooted in equity and justice. I wear multiple hats at any given point in time. This start of 20202 finds me managing a small grants program for a regional network of environmental justice organizations, supporting large and small philanthropic institutions on strategy development, and concluding assessments and pilot projects for major national and international environmental organizations.

This blog comes out of a need (desperation?) to share what I’ve learned from these projects. I find myself keeping folks on the phone (or zoom) a little too long so I can discuss a philosophical question or relay a new approach. I need to share the big ideas, deep questions, and intriguing initiatives that come across my desk.

My primary audience for this blog will be those I consider family by virtue of shared blood, shared values, or shared vision for the future. I am writing for everyone who cares deeply about our babies, our elders, and those who are oppressed, overlooked, or invisible. My readers will identify as environmental justice activists, water warriors, environmental advocates, and concerned residents of our shared planet.

I hope this blog will be a way of giving back to the community I’ve learned so much from – to relay what I’m hearing from the smartest people working in grassroots, nonprofits, and philanthropy across the country. And to share the wisdom and questions of family and friends.

I welcome all reactions and opinions. Pease don’t hesitate to share your thoughts in a comment or by reaching out to me directly.  Please look out for a new post every Sunday!